Photomontage 19 "Eclipse,"h 6' x w 4'20 "Cycle of Life and Death,"h 8' x w 4'21 "Cycle Life and Death,"detail, center section.22 "Great Chain of Being,"h 8' x w 4'23 "Great Chain of Being,"detail, center section.24 "Save Water, Tall Ships, NYC,"h 4' x w 8'25 "Greek Spirit,"h 4' x w 6'26 "Westward Movement,"h 4' x w 5'27 "Florence, Flood Relief,"h 3' x w 4'28 "Hastings Institute Ethics, Life Sciences,"commission, h 4' x w 6'29 "Prince Philip Caught in a Garden Party,"h 3' x w 4'30 "Population,"h 4' x w 4' 3031 "Ann Orlov's Parents 50 Wedding Anniversary"commemorative gift, h 24" x w 36"32 "Naomi, Leonora Neville,"childhood photos, h 3' x w 4'33 "Kalle, David Weeks Family,"family photographs, h 3' x w 4'34 "Claremont School of Theology, CA,"historical narrative, 3' x w 10'35 "Ovals,"h 5' x w 28"36 "Aztec, Masked Man"h 5' x w 2'« Previous 1 2 3 4 Next »