Book Covers and Illustrations 13 Behind the Masks of God,Robert Cummings Neville14 God the Creator, 2nd Edition,Robert Cummings Neville15 John Smith, Robert Brumbaugh,illustration for "God the Creator"16 Rev. Norris Clark S.J.,illustration for "God the Creator"17 Paul Weiss, Charles Hartshorne,illustration for "God the Creator"18 Paul Tillich and Alfred North Whitehead,illustration for "God the Creator"19 Charles Peirce, Josiah Royce,illustration for "God the Creator"20 G.W.F. Hegel, Gottfried Leibniz,illustration for "God the Creator"21 Reconstruction of Thinking,Robert Cummings Neville22 Recovery of the Measure,Robert Cummings Neville23 The Puritan Smile,Robert Cummings Neville24 The Highroad Around Modernism,Robert Cummings Neville« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next »